Meeting women is not just for bars and nightclubs. In fact you may not even enjoy going to bars and nightclubs several times a week or even once a week. How many times have you been in line at the bank or having a cup of coffee at the book store and looked up to see a beautiful women who is probably infinitely more interesting than your typical club rat?
Most guys can relate to this scenario.
We feel like opportunities to meet beautiful and interesting women slip through our fingers every day. So what do you do if your not in a high energy social environment, or maybe she seems preoccupied with every day things, now what? Dont worry, meeting women during in every day situations is not only possible but has many advantages over meeting women in bars and clubs!
When you meet women during the day you have many advantages on your side, the first and most obvious is they are not drunk or high like they often are in bar and club scenes. The second and equally obvious reason is that some women dont go out at night trying to meet guys. Women sometimes just want to go out with their girls and dance in a circle around their shoes and handbags and ignore men the whole evening.
Some other advantages to approaching women during the day is it fits into your schedule.
You dont have to go to bars to meet women. You can meet women and exchange contact information in the frozen food isle and get on with your day! Women are more often alone during the day as well, making them much easier to approach and engage in conversation.
But the greatest advantage you have in meeting women in every day situations is that she will not be defensive like she is in a bar.
Women get hit on many times in the course of an evening out, and they understandably put up a defensive attitude. You can also hear many women say they would never date a guy they meet at a bar. This is because it is a loss of status for women to introduce you as their boyfriend or the guy their dating and by the way, we met at a bar.
Ok, lets get down to learning how to approach women in our everyday lives. The first rule is to leave your house ready to meet women. Dont leave your house looking like you just woke up! Being well groomed and dressed should be a point of personal pride, so make sure your presentable before leaving the house.
The second rule is to simply be more social in your everyday life. Most of us are in our own worlds when we are walking around in the world, thinking about all the things we have to get done. Instead, try to smile and say hi to the people you come across in your daily life. This will make people smile back and get you and those around you in a more sociable mood!
Remember that your body language communicates volumes about you as well.
Walk and sit up strait with good posture, and stop any nervous fidgeting. Perhaps the most important aspects of body language is smiling more and making good strong eye contact.
A great rapport builder is touching. Yes touching people, shake more hands, and pats on the back, anything as long as it is not too invasive.
Joke and flirt with everyone! Assume rapport with the people you come across and joke and flirt your ass off with everyone the way you would with someone you are totally comfortable with.
This shows warmth, humor and confidence.
Now that we have covered your overall attitude, lets talk about strategy! Remember to lower your energy level when compared to a bar or nightclub. Positive energy at or slightly above what is normal for the venue you are in is good, just dont over do it!
Try approaching women who are alone. Making a casual approach and talking up a girl is normal. Approaching a group of women during the day may seem a little weird or inappropriate in day time settings.
After making an approach and flirting a little, move quickly to getting to know a little something about her. This is often called qualifying; you are bringing up topics in the form of questions or general statements that will allow her to share her admirable traits. The reason for this is it builds comfort and justifies you wanting to see her again for reasons other than her looks. This should happen relatively quickly because you both have things to do.
Unlike in clubs and bars, you both dont have the time to make with witty banter for the next half hour before getting to know each other.
Learning something about her that will justify seeing her again can translate into an instant date. If you are somewhere that is leisurely like a coffee shop or bookstore, you can join each other at a table and keep talking for 30 minutes or so before exchanging numbers.
When approaching women during the day, be observant.
You can look for things that will give you a reason to talk to her, like what she thinks of a book or author, can she keep an eye on you laptop for a moment while you go to the restroom, make a random comment about your surrounding or what she is wearing or doing.
Or just say hi like the exercise above, or be more direct, just say you felt like coming over and flirting a while, or you noticed her and wanted to see what she was like. Being direct is perceived as confident and romantic during the day, unlike in a bar were you may be perceived as just giving her a line.
So there you have it, fallow these guidelines and you will discover just how easy it is to build magical connections with women any were, any time. She will feel like more natural or it was fate to meet in the park and not in the bar! Happy hunting!
About the Author (text)This article is from the article archives dedicated to improving men\'s dating and sex lives, with knowledge from the worlds top experts at:
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