We are all frustrated by the same dating patterns we've all got. You ask yourself, why do I end up dating the same guy always? Every boyfriend reminds me of my dad, why? The guy with the really spiky hair is the only type that approaches me, how come? You date the same type of guy because you continue to be the same type of person. If you don't want to date a jerk, then you need to discover whatever it is about you that attracts them and then change it. Now don't get me wrong, sometimes people are just big, huge jerks.
But we're talking about you; we're not talking about them. To stop your jerk-dating pattern, here are three steps you need to follow. Ask a Friend: First Step Go to your most honest friend and really ask why they think you've dated the same type of loser more than once. Listen to why they think that is and what they tell you. Second Step: Being Single You need from here to decide to be single for awhile.
Date yourself during this time when you are truly single. Learn what it is that makes you tick and get to know you. Really think about what you need to be happy and about what it is you're looking for. Write it down once you figure it out, keep it in your bag, and read it every day. Third Step: Dating the Antithesis When you feel ready to date, do yourself a favor and date someone that is nothing like your ex. Seek out someone that is different so you can get a taste for what is out there.
Even if you don't think they are your "type" you might be surprised to find that there are all kinds of people that you can connect with. With self-reflection and time you won't date anymore jerks. The first step is admitting you have a problem, like all challenges we face.
About the Author: Sara Musfeldt's website DatingTales.net is filled with dating stories, and she also provides an guide to online dating with lots of online dating tips.