Every creature on this planet gives off attraction signals. We are no exception. Some are blatant and some are unconscious. We are all born with the ability to physically attract others.
Some of us have just cultivated this gift. Attracting and seducing men is not as difficult as many of us make it out to be. As women, we naturally send out signals. The key is to know when to send them out and which ones to use.
Watch any movie and the woman will show her interest in her man in several ways - meeting his eyes, leaning in to hear what he is saying, licking her lips, crossing her legs, twirling her hair around her finger, etc. We do this naturally, even unconsciously. Well why not make these natural signals conscious? If there is someone who has caught your eye, instead of looking away meet his gaze and hold it. Give him a smile or nod your head at him in passing.
Men are so used to being rejected that these small signs that you are open to his approach will be welcomed with open arms. On an unconscious biological level we are given hidden attractors like pheromones and subtle physiological changes, like dilated pupils, the swelling of your lower lip and for men more obvious changes. We are also hard wired to know how to flirt. When we allow ourselves these instincts kick in. Women automatically know to cross and uncross their legs, play with their hair, flirt with our eyes. No one took us aside and taught a class on it.
Because of different societal rules, many of our instincts have been suppressed. In certain cultures it is perfectly natural to walk around bare breasted, yet in others you can get arrested for this type of behavior. If you want to seduce men you must first be convinced that you are seductive. You must be absolutely convinced that you are the most beautiful woman out there.
Now I can almost hear some of you saying," Yeah, right." Many of you probably believe that you must be a certain weight, height, etc to get the man of your dreams. I am here to tell you that you do not have to look like a supermodel to be the most beautiful, sexy and attention getting woman in the room. How many models have you heard of that have not only gotten their man but kept them? Not many. They have the look but haven't taken the time to enhance their other assets. Your look is a very small part of your whole seduction package.
A truly seductive woman has many tools in her arsenal. She knows how to get his interest and to keep it focused on her alone. She knows how to get a man to cross a room just to speak to her, and how to get him to call her that night. Before she leaves her home to go out, she is confident of how the evening will end. Part of this is confidence, gained from living the part of seduction diva, and part of it is the use of visualization techniques.
The good news is that all of these techniques can be taught. There are things that you can do to be instantly more attractive to men. Some of these secrets involve the way you dress and apply your makeup, some involve the type of scent that you use and how you apply it and some involve more in depth seduction techniques and body language. The key to knowing how and when to use your attraction signals lies in examining your societies rules ( ex. interoffice romance is usually a no no) and working within their parameters.
If you live in the United States, for example, and you want to attract a man you can quite reasonably use: - eye flirtation - the lip lick - crossing and uncrossing your legs - jewelry placed in eye catching areas ( ex. a carefully hung necklace to bring his eyes to your cleavage) - the hair toss - playing with your hair - a husky laugh - biting your lower lip as you look him in the eyes - the added use of purchased pheromones - padded bras - form fitting outfits Most of these signals can be used both subtly and effectively in almost any setting. Licking a dollop of whipped cream could be perfectly acceptable in a Starbucks or bookstore cafe. Playing with your hair and looking a man in the eyes would be perfectly natural as you walk out of your favorite salon. Attracting a man is never as difficult as we make it out to be. You are born with the knowledge of how to give off the right signals.
Let go of your shyness, practice and suddenly you will realize how natural flirting and attracting men can be.
Caterina Christakos is a published author and dating coach. Learn what to do right now to be more seductive: http://www.seductiondiva.com